Continuing Saga of Fat Girl and Skinny Girl

Skinny girl, “Do you realize that this stomach is only the size of your two fists put together? About the size of a grapefruit.”

Fat Girl, “Grapefruit!” She replied incredulously, “You’ve seen me pack, you wanna see how much pizza I can stuff in that space?”


Lelia Chealey said…
M~You are too funny!!! We can pack a lot into small spaces, can't we? :)
Looking forward to more conversations between Fat Girl & Skinny Girl. :)
Kara Akins said…
Hello fellow mother of six! Thanks for stopping by. Love your families names. Too cute!
Carol said…
Amen, to the packing it in! This was too funny! Thanks for the chuckle!
Totallyscrappy said…
Some grapefruits are just larger than others...

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