Sincerely 'fro me to you and Vintage Thingies Thursday ! Kristen over at We are THAT family has a blogging carnival going on Thursdays, and she asked for bloggers to share a story from our past, something that won't probably make it into a scrapbook because we can't find our crinkle-cut scizzors or some mouse peed on the pictures or whatever reason. Apron Queen also has a carnival goin on called Vintage Thingies Thursday, I thought since I am so good at multi-tasking, I'd roll two posts into one and call this story both; an embarrassing story from my past as well as vintage. Now if you think that those bangs aren't vintage, and that, "Oh My! Would you look at that zipper!" I don't know what is! So, this is my story... Fall 1978, it was the beginning of my modeling “career.” It all began at the Western Idaho Fair, on the exhibitor’s building main stage, or rather behind the main stage. There I was waiting for an absolutely dreamy Junior Future Farmers...
I am sure your mail carrier is just glad you realized your mistake before he or she discovered it!
Oh, and we are not Star Wars snobs. :) We love Star Trek, too. There is a clipping of Zachary Q. from the new movie coming out presently residing on my fridge. I have to look at Spock daily. My husband is super excited! :) Me personally, I'm a Generations and Voyager girl. :) Oh, my. Did I just type all of that on your comment page? So sorry. :)
Have a great day!
:) K
As far as homeschooling - I am only doing it this semester and it's only kindergarten so it's about an hour a day. I just couldn't bear to put my 5 year old in 3 different kindergartens. I sent her to public school til Christmas break in NJ but after we moved to SC (and knowing we would be headed to NY in March), I opted to finish the year at home.
Be blessed today and always.
I have posted the winner to the game! Come on over and see who it was! :-)
love it!!!
yes. this is the funniest thing i've heard all week.
thank you for the belly laugh!
And Meredith - phone in the fridge!!!
Thanks - KR