A Little Nipping, a Little Tucking

I have tweaked, rearranged, added links, changed pictures, rewritten descriptions, and I think I like it now. My picture was old, I do not have that long of hair anymore, (wish I did, but thanks to a terrible haircut, I'm growing it out again,) my pink shirt in the picture clashed with the colors in my blog, and the text was funny, (not funny ha ha, funny peculiar.) I also thought my Supermom picture was a bit prideful, I'm not her, never have been her and thanks to testing and refining from my Lord, I don't strive to be her, so she had to go. My blogging should be a reflection of who I am, a child of God, on a path of growth and sanctification through Christ.

Ok, I think I'm done now, three hours later, man this is time consuming stuff people. (Ok those of you who can write your own html code, can just tune out, but I find it time consuming.)

So how is it? Like the new look? C'mon people, I'm fishing for compliments, here!


Sara said…
I love it- and I TOTALLY relate to it being time-consuming! I had spent a few hours doing a Christmas template, then after Christmas I relented and converted back to a good ol' blogger template... one of these days I'll liven it up!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Me said…
It looks great to me! I don't know how you do it. I have half the kids you do and I can hardly find time to think about doing something - much less doing it.
I was reading your blog and realized I may have met your husband. Do you know - does he go to ChapelNext? I was talking to a man on Sunday and he said his wifes name was Mary and he had 6 kids (asking when we were going to have more!!!). He also said something about his wifes father calling her malaria - a mix of her name and her two sisters...is that you? Just wondering.
Anonymous said…
I think it looks great! I am so HTML illiterate that I had to pay someone to do mine. I have learned a little, but not enough! Have a wonderful day!
Dimple Queen said…
Love the new look!

I was a bit confused at first....wondered where I had gone!

Don't have internet at home, was out Friday with the flu, so I am doing some quick catching up...gotta surf for now....see ya later.

Have a happy Monday!

Lelia Chealey said…
LOVE IT!! Very pretty & cheery!!
Thanks for your comment. Also read your comment you left on Cindy's blog at Still His Girl about "It dinged"...hilarious!!!
I have something for you on my blog. It's at the bottom of the "Nothing but the truth" post.
Blessings & Hugs~
Jess said…
i LOVE the new look of your blog...the bookshelf is completely awesome and i am going to try to put one on my own blog ASAP!!!

(hee hee---i like seeing the busy book on it...hope it's not getting dusty like mine! ahh!)


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