Two Steps Forward-One Step Back

Change is hard, old habits are hard, and success doesn't come easily. The setbacks of last week make recovery difficult. I haven't been out walking in over a week, I was doing so well until I pinched the nerve in my neck and could hardly move.

I am making motivational signs to post on pantry and fridge today. Any ideas? I have done things like:

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Think Thin

Diabetes is an enemy

Plantar Faciaitis hurts

Asthma is bad, breathing is good

I was thinking that motivation in the area of good health would be a motivator for me because when I was thinner, I wasn't plagued by these things.

I did not lose anything this week, but I did not gain either, so I guess that in itself is an accomplishment. I am too the point now where I don't want to look at another salad. It is cold still here, (everywhere I guess unless you are in Arizona,) but who wants to eat salads when it is 28 degrees outside. I want things like pasta buried in white sauce, hearty thick soups, and chili with cornbread. At least my tummy-warming cups of hot tea are still ok, as long as I don't cream it, (a habit I picked up from an English neighbor.)

On a positive note, I did a mega-cooking session with a friend of mine, and made vegetable lasagna with homemade whole wheat noodles. It does have cottage cheese and mozzarella, but if I just have a small square and save the rest for later, (actually, I would portion it out and freeze any leftovers,) I can have it with a (can't believe I'm saying this-sigh) big salad and enjoy it.


Kimberly said…
I found your site through Lysa's blog. Nice to meet you! I am trying to make some changes in my life right now, too. I am currently working on taping up some scripture to help me. I want the change to happen all at once. (A bio of me would NOT list patience!) God keeps reminding me "little by little." He is also having to change my attitude on the "little by little!"
I'll be praying for you today!
In Him, Kimberly :)
Deut. 7:21,22
Real Life Sarah said…
Keep up the baby steps! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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