Leaving Tomorrow

I picked up Grammy and Leesh at the airport this afternoon. A little heavy traffic but not bad considering all the construction going on at SeaTac.

We got home and the kids trickled in from a birthday party and were excited to see Gram. After dinner Grammy read to them while I took a shower and got ready to go in the morning. She is a wonderful grandma and the kids love her. I'm sure that everything will go smoothly.

I've left her with enough instructions to choke a horse, and food enough to feed an army, I'm sure.

Leesh will be a good "Auntie" to my kids and is a great helper to have around.

To all my bloggy friends, I'll post soon about how my flight goes and classes I get to take while I'm at the spouses seminar. I'm really looking forward to spending uninterrupted time with my sweetheart.

Now if I can just get some sleep.


Carol said…
I'll be praying for you! How exciting!!!
Jodie Wolfe said…
If you have a few minutes, I would love your input on my blog in regards to the ten struggles that Christian women face. Thank you!
Thinking of you! Hope it is wonderful for you!
Cheri said…
Have a great time! Enjoy yourself!!
Jenny said…
Have a great time and I know your kids will have fun while you are gone. Mine love for me to be gone and then coming home is so much fun!

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