
I didn’t sleep well last night, oh I went to bed early enough, tried to get enough rest, but Robby had leg cramps and woke me up nearly every hour wanting “med-cine” on his owies. 4 times during the night, I went in and rubbed him down with muscle cream. Then Boo woke up coughing as soon as Robby got settled for the night.

Needless to say, my dreams last night were scattered and incoherent. The last one I remember was that my next-door neighbor had taken down a section of my new fence and stolen my sod.

Miss Busy woke me up this morning instead of vice versa, the first thing I did was look out my back window. Nope, grass was still there.


Me said…
Yea! I just got a phone call. They are back from the field - tired but sounding like he had a good time.
Jenny said…
I know that is a relief!

Have a great Easter!
Cheri said…
Oh, nights like this are no fun. Funny about your dream. Dreams ar strange sometimes...wish we knew why we have certain ones?
Birdie said…
Ha! I laughed out loud! Hope you get better rest tonight.
Jess said…
i always have weird dreams where i yell at my mother-in-law (and we actually have i good relationship - at least, i think so!).... how funny was your dream...

sleep tight tonight!

Laura said…
About the sod, funny but not! Glad it was just a dream...
Hope you have a wonderful Easter. I got your message from my home. phone two days late. My home phone isn't working, but I saw something on my computer where I was able to at least hear your message. Call my cell anytime. I hope everything is OK. They came for our 1st inspection on Friday so I wasn't able to make it your way. What's next week like for you?
Lelia Chealey said…
OH,too funny Mary! I love how your write.

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