Dr. Seuss

Ace and I were in the potty, he was sitting, I was reading while he did his business. “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” was the selection for the night. Daddy often recites a favorite verse from this book, changing it just a bit, “My hat is old, my teeth are gold. I have a Mommy I like to hold.” Ace gave me his version tonight, “My shoe is off. My foot is cold. My hat is new, my Mom is old.”
Thanks Dr. Seuss.


Halfmoon Girl said…
That made me laugh out loud. Aren't kid's comments just grand! Good thing our worth is firmly planted in the Lord!
Jenny said…
Too funny! They keep us humble!
Kimberly said…
Ahhhh....children. They sure know how to make a momma feel good. :)
Anonymous said…
That's so cute! Thanks for sharing it!
Jennifer said…
That's so funny! We like to change up words like that, too. :-)

Jen :-)
mzzterry said…
Love, love, love that!! Gave me the best laugh of my day!!

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