He Is Risen!!

He is risen indeed! Aleluiah!


Anonymous said…
He is risen, indeed! Maranatha, come quickly!
Jenny said…
He is! Happy Easter!
Me said…
He is risen indeed!
I saw your honey this morning at church. I know you are anxious to get here. I look forward to meeting you face to face! :-)
Jessica said…
Hey! He is risen, indeed! Thanks for stopping by. You should see the picture of the little guy that we are sponsoring. Oh, it just melts my heart every time! Happy Easter to you and your family!
Totallyscrappy said…
He is risen, indeed!!
Lelia Chealey said…
Oh, I love that cartoon pic.
Yes, He is risen! Weird to think He's actually alive & watching over us. Sooo cool!
Laura said…
What a blessing to finally meet you today!! I will be praying for you as you head out to SC. Have a blast with your husband and all the other chaplain wives. I know you will enjoy all of it!

Amy Wyatt said…
Amen and Hallelujah!

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