Boo Boo is Two Two!

Ok, he's just two, but it rhymed, give me a break!

Two years ago today, our baby was born. What a joyous day! My sweetheart had made it back from Iraq on time this time for baby #6. (He had missed the last one by only about 10 hours.)

We were in the process of packing up boxes and finalizing paperwork on our new house. It was a crazy time for us to be sure, but what birth isn't? Why is it that everything seems to rush at you when your due date is near.

Bear had injured his knee climbing into the back of our suburban, he ruptured the bursa bag on his right knee and had spent much of the evening in the ER while I was on the sixth floor getting ready to give birth. He hobbled in for his part, and then while I was sleeping later, he went back to the ER to get x-rayed.He was fine, I was fine and our sweet Boo was fine.

He loves his trains and the other day discovered they stick to the washing machine. They didn't stick very well and they slid down the front. He loved it!We are having train cupcakes for his party, and a special edition of Movie and Pizza Night, our Friday night family tradition. Boo gets to pick his movies and we get to enjoy a little Thomas the Tank Engine with him.

Happy Birthday Boo Boo!!


Wish that we could be there to celebrate this special day with you. Love to all.
ABW said…
Happy Birthday Boo!

I'm going to have to try the train trick!
Kimberly said…
Happy Birthday to your cutie! :)
Carol said…
Aww! Happy Birthday! And I love reading the installments of the trip!
Birdie said…
Happy birthday little Boo! Thanks for sharing the story too!
Birdie said…
MaryLu-don't forget about the giveaway for the flip flops & earrings at the maple!

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