I've started a new way of life. Actually it started in 2015, I just haven't written on the blog since a hundred years ago. Ha!
So, back in 2015 my doctor told me I was in the pre-diabetic category. So because it is hereditary and I don't want to be dependent on insulin, I decided it was time for a change in my diet. Controlling what goes into my body is easier than shelling out $$ for medicine.
I’ve been a THM mama since 2015. I had a friend tell me about this way of eating when I reached out for help with my elevated blood sugar. The following year, I worked hard at losing weight and had lost over 30 pounds. Some challenging events happened, including my husband having colon cancer and us moving over 1700 miles across the country to start new jobs; and the weight came back on over three years.
A year and a half ago I decided that enough was enough and I needed to regain control of the way I was eating. This time around, I paid more attention to the healing going on inside my body than what was happening on the scale.
Twenty-some years ago I lost my father to diabetes related organ failure, my brother died from leukemia ten years ago so as I grow closer to the age they died I have become more aware of how every disease begins with the gut. Healing your insides is very important.
Join me on this kinda-crunchy, sometimes weird, but wonderful journey to good gut health!
Check out my kefir instructions Here: