What to do with all this?

Many years ago I made a lovely "coat of many colors;" a quilted jacket made from many strips of fabric from various quilting projects and homemade clothing. It is warm, comfortable, but getting worn and raggedy. Bear forbade me to wear it any longer.

So, I took it apart and made a pattern out of the pieces. I'm going to make another one with strips, crumbs and strings I've collected in the past 20 years. I'm looking forward to the finished project.

I found a flannel sheet at the thrift store for 25 cents that will serve as the filling. It is quite toasty with the lining and fabric on the outside. It will be such a thrifty, yet beautiful jacket when it is finished.

But what do I do with the old one now? It is in six pieces, two sleeves, two fronts, the back and collar. The sleeves and front are sort of worn through in places and the collar is probably heading for the trash, but any ideas what to use the good quilted pieces for? Any ideas are welcome.


Michele said…
Christmas ornaments for your children? If you've worn it that long, they likely have many good memories of you wearing it.
Anonymous said…
Could you make soft toys like cats or teddies? I have seen some toys like that at craft shows, made from good bits salvaged from antique quilts. They are made from very simple patterns and, with a little bit of lace or ribbon around their necks, look very sweet.
Anonymous said…
Use the good quilted blocks as a table runner. Join them together the way Margarita McManus does. That way you'll be reminded everyday of how much you loved that jacket!
LA Nickers said…
Love this.

God makes something beautiful from the most ragged scraps of our tattered lives.


Anonymous said…
I am telling you, make a nifty bad with it, use the pockets for outside pockets on the bag! It will be soooo cute!! You should listen to me this once! JUST this once!!!!!
Beth said…
How about a tote bag? I made over a quilted jacket into a tote...complete with the zipper still in it! I can find the picture for you if you like. I just discovered your blog. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I lost my only brother a few years ago. its a hard road...

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