Urgent Prayer Needed

Our family life has been a bit hectic to say the least over the last few days. I have barely had enough time to catch my breath, let alone write funny, inspiring things on my blog. But a couple if things have come up that I would like to share with my readers and ask for special prayer.

My dear mother in law, Nana, is in the hospital. Several years ago she had her entire lower intestine removed, and now she has a blockage due, the doctors think, to scar tissue from the original procedure. Nana has fibromyalgia and a bone deficiency as well. She has nerve damage from pinched nerves in her vertebrae and has had multiple surgeries to correct her crumbling disks. This nerve damage has affected her bowel movements anyway and now to have this blockage problem, she is in serious condition.

Please pray that the doctors can find out what is wrong and correct it quickly and efficiently, also for comfort and pain control. She is also a smoker and it probably suffering from withdrawal symptoms as well.

And the next prayer request, the man who runs the food bank where I volunteer in our little community, is having a 6-way bypass tomorrow. His wife works with me in the office and has taught me all I know. Sue will be with Larry during the surgery obviously and I will be in the office by myself tomorrow. (That is a small prayer request for me to be able to handle everyone by myself.) But the real need for prayer is for Larry and Sue. Larry is everything to those people at the food bank. He is such a joy to work with. Please pray that the surgery goes well, and for quick healing for him. Please pray that he will be comforted and not feel like he is letting anyone down by not being there. I’m afraid that he won’t rest and recuperate as he needs to and will try and do too much, too quickly.

Please let me know if you are praying for them, I’d like to pass that on to both my mother in law and to the folks at the food bank.


Of course we will pray for them. Love ya.
Jenny said…
Mary Lu,
I'll be praying for them and you!

erin said…
I just happened across your blog, but I wanted you to know I'm praying for your family and friends.
Anonymous said…
Praying in Alabama...
Joanne said…
I will be praying ... please let me know how it all goes (or went; I read this to late I think).

In Christ,
Birdie said…
oh my word! Im a few days late ,but I'm praying! I'm so sorry!!! I left you a gift over at the maple whenever you come up for air, swing by & pick it up.
~~Deby said…
First time here..I will pray.
Puget Sound
Anonymous said…
My Family, my church and myself will be praying for them. And asking God shows his mercy in the final results.
she'll be in my prayers...thanks for sharing!
Laura said…
i haven't been on here in a while, but I am praying now.

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